About Me

DF9EF250-835D-4A9B-BF52-1DF7BC86B614.jpegI am a wild nature-fueled writer fond of living our most audacious, authentic selves in assistance to The Great Turning.

My first collection of poetry, Re-Membering: Poems of Earth and Soul, was released by Wild Nature Heart Press in September, followed by a collection of forest haiku, High-Cooing Through the Seasons. Three new collections, One Bright and Real Caress, and Riverever, and Within the Cave Something Pulses, will be released in 2021.

I am Founder of Wild Nature Heart, facilitating authentic re-connections with nature and our deepest selves to assist in the work of repairing broken belonging. I am a certified Ecotherapist through the Earthbody Institute and trained as a wilderness ceremony/rite-of-passage guide through the School of Lost Borders. 

Curiosity and experiment are my best friends.

“Make the universe your companion, always bearing in mind the true nature of things—mountains and rivers, trees and grasses, and humanity—and enjoy the falling blossoms and the scattering leaves.” -Bashō

A couple years ago, I lived under a plum tree, practicing simple abundance in an intentional community called Mariposa Grove in Oakland, CA, where I lived for four years. Currently, I then lived outside in the forest for a couple years, and now live in southern Humboldt county, ancestral Sinkyone land.

I am also writing a book called Vulnerable Mountain Heart, about my experience through the seasons on the land, on the threshold between the city and the wild, and some of the stories of personal growth that got me there.

Here I share some of my creative writing, mostly poems, short stories, and chapters of novels. My writings often carry themes of nature, love, fear, play, wildness, shadows, growth, liberation, impermanence, and vulnerability. I hope you enjoy!

“If we surrendered
to earth’s intelligence
we could rise up rooted, like trees.” -Rumi

If you’re interested in supporting this work to help it reach more people, it will be very much appreciated! You can donate at PayPal.me/WildNatureHeart.

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